Winter Programme 2024/25
Unless otherwise indicated, all meetings take place at the New Life Church (Tape Street, ST10 1LH) and start at 7.30pm. Annual membership is £7, visitors are welcome at meetings for a fee of £1.
Thursday, September 19th.
Cheadle Air Ministry and it’s Y Station, Woodhead Hall. Philip Brough will tell us about its important role and it’s Bletchley connection, Enigma, Bombes and other fascinating information right on our doorstep.
Speaker: Philip Brough
Thursday, October 17th.
German Airships, how they changed the war, The Hindenburg.
Speaker: Sean Farrelly
Thursday, November 21st.
Remembering the men of WWII. The men who made the supreme sacrifice and are commemorated on Cheadle’s war memorial.
Speaker: Mike Plant
Thursday, December 19th.
The American Army at Blythe Colours during WWII. Plus, fascinating connections with families afterwards.
Speaker: Jill Crowther
Thursday, January 16th.
The Uttoxeter Casket. An Anglo-Saxon reliquary found in Uttoxeter in the 1850’s. Now in the Cleveland Museum of Art. The only one of its type that is known of. Where had it been hiding for all those years?
Speaker: Jenna Goodwin
Thursday, February 20th.
Caverswall Castle. Well researched history from the 13th Century to the present day. Occupied by very interesting people over the years. Susan reveals all!
Speaker: Susan Rogers
Thursday, March 20th.
Four generations of the Podmore Family at Consall. A family involved in the pottery industry and much more. The Podmore family also had important Cheadle connections.
Speaker: Ian Podmore
March. Annual Dinner, details to follow later.
Thursday, April 17th.
AGM. Plus a presentation by a Society member (subject tbc). ​